Template attacks

Generating vector distributions

A pooled distribution (consisting of different mean vectors for all values and a common covariance matrix) is stored in the following Templates struct:


The Templates struct stores a pooled noise covariance matrix, as well as mean vectors for all integers that are possibly loaded.

If the integer x is processed, a random vector from distribution is drawn. Then, values[x] is added to this random vector.


These distributions can be created either manually to model a specific behaviour, or can be drawn randomly for testing purposes. The following two methods generate random distributions:

Sampling vectors

Usually, template attacks only target single instructions. For example, the target of an attack could be a single load instruction executed on a microcontroller. Those small targeted instructions are provided by the following two functions:

Given the functions that should be sampled, template vectors are collected using the following sample_function. If multiple attack traces with the same input are required, those can be generated with generate_attack_vectors.

sample_function(templates::Templates, fun, value)

Sample the provided function fun on input value.


  • templates defines the underlying emissions that should be simulated (i.e. mean and covariance matrices for values).
  • fun must be a function taking a single integer. This function should describe the operation that is targeted. For example, fun could be single_load_instruction or multi_load_instructions.
  • value should be an integer, or an array of integers that fun is executed on.


The leakage vector that the execution of fun on value would produce, assuming that the emissions are defined by templates.

generate_attack_vectors(templates::Templates, secret; fun = single_load_instruction, N = 2^10)

Sample N attack vectors of the function fun.


  • templates stores the noise distribution of our side-channel.
  • secret is the secret value that is loaded for our attack. For example, this could be a single key byte.
  • fun is the function that processes the secret value. This defaults to a single load instruction. This function must take a single integer.
  • N is the number of attack traces to produce.


A list of side-channel attack vectors that record the operation of fun(secret). The function fun must have the type signature Int -> Any. fun will be executed on input secret, which should be an integer or an vector of integers.

The attack vectors are sampled by using the sample_function.



template_core_attack(profiled_vectors::AbstractMatrix, inputs::AbstractVector, attack_vectors::AbstractMatrix)


  • inputs: A vector containing $N$ entries, where $N$ is the number of sampled vectors. At position $x$ shall be the input that was used to generate the $x$-th vector.
  • profiled_vectors: A $M \times N$ matrix. The column profiled_vectors[:,x] should contain the data that was generated on input x.
  • attack_vectors: A $M \times K$ matrix, where $K$ is the number of traces from the attacked device. Traces are stored in column-major order. All traces must be generated with the same secret input.


A vector of tuples (likelyhood, value) for all values in inputs, sorted by decreasing likelyhood of the value.
