

Encryption and Decryption

The following two methods provide a basic interface for encrypting and decrypting. Both methods are parametrised over the underlying type for the computations.

For simply using AES, one would instantiate T as UInt8. For more advanced settings that log traces or use masking, refer to the respective chapters.

AES_encrypt(plaintext::MVector{16,T}, key::Vector{T})::MVector{16,T} where T

Encrypt a block of 16 bytes with AES.

T must behave similarly to UInt8. For instantiating T with logging or protecting types, see the article on Integer Types.


  • plaintext must be a mutable, statically sized Vector of length 16. It contains the text to encrypt.
  • key is a vector containing the key used for the encryption. It must be either of length 16, 24, or 32. Depending on its length, different variants of AES are dispatched:
    • Length 16: AES-128
    • Length 24: AES-196
    • Length 32: AES-256


A MVector{16,T} containing the 16-byte long encrypted block.

AES_decrypt(ciphertext::MVector{16,T}, key::Vector{T})::MVector{16,T} where T

Decrypt a block of 16 bytes with AES.

T must behave similarly to UInt8. For instantiating T with logging or protecting types, see the article on Integer Types.


  • ciphertext must be a mutable, statically sized Vector of length 16. It contains the data to decrypt.
  • key is a vector containing the key used for the decryption. It must be either of length 16, 24, or 32. Depending on its length, different variants of AES are dispatched:
    • Length 16: AES-128
    • Length 24: AES-196
    • Length 32: AES-256


A MVector{16,T} containing the 16-byte long decrypted block.


This module also exports methods to en-/decrypt data given as a hexadecimal string:

AES_encrypt_hex(plaintext::String, key::String)

Interpret plaintext and key in hexadecimal. Return a string containing the hexadecimal encrypted block. See AES_encrypt for more details.


julia> AES_encrypt_hex("00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff", "000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f")
AES_decrypt_hex(ciphertext::String, key::String)

Interpret ciphertext and key in hexadecimal. Return a string containing the hexadecimal decrypted block. See AES_decrypt for more details.


julia> AES_decrypt_hex("69c4e0d86a7b0430d8cdb78070b4c55a", "000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f")

AES Internal Functions


Compute the AES key schedule


  • k is the key for the AES algorithm. It should be a vector of type T, which must be an UInt8-like type. The key is required to be a valid key for AES-128, AES-196, or AES-256. Hence, k must be either 16, 24, or 32 bytes long.


An vector of type T containing the whole key schedule.


Compute the AES key schedule given only the last round key. This is useful for attacks targeting the last round key, or for computing the decryption key on-the-fly.


This algorithm is currently only implemented for AES-128.


  • k is the last round key used in the AES algorithm. It should be a vector of type T, which must be an UInt8-like type. The key is required to be a valid round key for AES. Hence, k must be exactly 16 bytes long.


An vector of type T containing the whole key schedule. Most importantly, the first 16 bytes of this vector are the original AES-128 key.


julia> key = hex2bytes("000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f")
julia> last_round_key = AES.key_expand(key)[end-15:end]
julia> recovered_key = AES.inv_key_expand(last_round_key)[1:16]
julia> bytes2hex(recovered_key)

If multiple encryptions are performed with the same key, it is efficient to only compute the key schedule once. The key schedule can be computed with key_expand manually. Afterwards, the following two functions can be used for en-/decrypting data with AES with the already computed schedule:

AES_encrypt_expanded(plaintext::MVector{16,T}, key::Vector{T})::MVector{16,T} where T

Encrypt a block of 16 bytes with AES, given an already expanded key schedule


  • plaintext must be a mutable, statically sized Vector of length 16. It contains the text to encrypt.
  • key_schedule is a vector containing all round keys for the encryption. This vector can be obtained with the function key_expand. Based on the length of this vector, the different versions of AES are dispatched.


A MVector{16,T} containing the 16-byte long encrypted block.

AES_decrypt_expanded(ciphertext::MVector{16,T}, key::Vector{T})::MVector{16,T} where T

Decrypt a block of 16 bytes with AES, given an already expanded key schedule.


  • plaintext must be a mutable, statically sized Vector of length 16. It contains the text to decrypt.
  • key_schedule is a vector containing all round keys for the decryption. This vector can be obtained with the function key_expand. Based on the length of this vector, the different versions of AES are dispatched.


A MVector{16,T} containing the 16-byte long decrypted block.



Encryption and Decryption

SPECK_encrypt(plaintext::Tuple{T, T}, key::Tuple{T, T}; rounds = 32)::Tuple{T,T} where T

Encrypt plaintext using key with SPECK.


  • plaintext is 128-bit data, split into two shares of type T. Each share should contain 64 bits of the plaintext. T can be either UInt64 or a similar custom integer type.
  • key is the 128-bit key, split into two shares of type T. Each share should contain 64 bits of the plaintext. T can be either UInt64 or a similar custom integer type.
  • rounds is the number of rounds to execute. Defaults to 32, since this is the number of rounds mentioned in the original specification of SPECK.


A Tuple{T,T} containing the 128-bit encrypted data in two shares of 64 bit.


T can be a custom integer type, but note that T must behave like UInt64. This includes truncating overflows in additions at 64 bit.


The example is a SPECK128 test vector from the original SPECK paper

julia> key = (0x0f0e0d0c0b0a0908, 0x0706050403020100)
julia> plaintext = (0x6c61766975716520, 0x7469206564616d20)
julia> SPECK.SPECK_encrypt(plaintext, key)
(0xa65d985179783265, 0x7860fedf5c570d18)

SPECK_decrypt(ciphertext::Tuple{T, T}, key::Tuple{T, T}; rounds = 32)::Tuple{T,T} where T

Decrypt ciphertext using key with SPECK.


  • ciphertext is 128-bit data, split into two shares of type T. Each share should contain 64 bits of the plaintext. T can be either UInt64 or a similar custom integer type.
  • key is the 128-bit key, split into two shares of type T. Each share should contain 64 bits of the plaintext. T can be either UInt64 or a similar custom integer type.
  • rounds is the number of rounds to execute. Defaults to 32, since this is the number of rounds mentioned in the original specification of SPECK.


A Tuple{T,T} containing the 128-bit encrypted data in two shares of 64 bit.


T can be a custom integer type, but note that T must behave like UInt64. This includes truncating overflows in additions at 64 bit.


The example is a SPECK128 test vector from the original SPECK paper

julia> key = (0x0f0e0d0c0b0a0908, 0x0706050403020100)
julia> plaintext = (0x6c61766975716520, 0x7469206564616d20)
julia> SPECK.SPECK_decrypt(ciphertext, key)
(0x6c61766975716520, 0x7469206564616d20)


Internal Functions

SPECK_key_expand(key::Tuple{T, T}, rounds)::Vector{T} where T

Expand the key according to the SPECK key schedule. The result is a vector of length rounds, containing each round key. The first round key is the second component of key.

SPECK_encrypt_expanded(pt::Tuple{T, T}, key_schedule::Vector{T}})::Tuple{T,T} where T

Encrypts data with SPECK, given an already expanded key schedule. This schedule can be created with the function SPECK_key_expand.

SPECK_decrypt_expanded(ct::Tuple{T, T}, key_schedule::Vector{T})::Tuple{T,T} where T

Decrypts data with SPECK, given an already expanded key schedule. This schedule can be created with the function SPECK_key_expand.
